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Changes to Earth: An Overview

The elites aren’t going to explain to you the full scale of the problems facing the planet. Here’s the reality:

Global Industrial Life is Unsustainable

There are so many issues of pollution & resource use, it’s impossible for this to be fixed. The corporations want to distract you with solutions, without actually defining the problem. This is because if you saw the scale of the problem, you’d start to question our whole system:

The media & government have been focused on environmental problems since the 1960s, and they’ve been putting forward solutions year-after-year. We learned about “saving the rainforest” in the 1990s, yet, global forests only go down.

Anyone who says “there is hope” is not only delusional, but is actively part of the cover-up. Maybe you could say that in 1970, but in 2022 after 50 years of problems getting worse despite all the conferences and environmental laws, you can’t say this. It’s clear that the solutions they put forward are doing nothing to reverse the trends, as things only get worse.

Don’t buy into propaganda phrases such as “at least they’re doing something” or “we can’t give up hope” because these phrases are to keep real change from happening. Real change involves dismantling this global industrial world we have, and building something else. That’s the only solution, anything else is a distraction. Distractions just help to make the problem worse. I refuse to “vote for the lesser of two evils” as this just kicks the can down the road.