Joining & Leaving Families
Nobody should be obligated to stay within a family. There should be ways to get out and move to another family:
- No child should be obligated to be with their biological family if they don’t fit in. There should be a way for children to leave and join another group.
- Parents are not obligated to do anything they don’t want to do. So a child can’t put demands on the parent, the parent can say no. Children constantly demanding is a form of child-to-parent abuse
- Legal ties between people are just state control. The state doesn’t really care, but the nuclear family is a small convenient system for them. Two people (the 1950s Mom and Dad) can move to where the jobs are, and take their children (if they have any) with them, and this is seen as normal. It’s a great system for corporations
- If people are part of larger families & communities, you’re not going to move so easily to another city, because you can’t uproot a huge number of people.
This process has been going on for decades, especially since the 1970s. All kinds of books were written about this idea in the late 20th century by writers like Robert Bellah, Vance Packard, & Robert Putnam. None of those books are worth reading now, as their concepts were really just a fad of the late 20th century. Big economic changes had been happening since the start of the industrial revolution in the 19th century, so to lament bowling leagues or whatever in the 1990s is misguided. The change is complete, most people are happy to be alone and floating around on their own, so talk of families or communities is pointless now, the dominant society isn’t going to change.