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Physical Fitness Industry

Like many bad ideas, physical fitness started in the late 19th century with things like the Olympics in 1896. It wasn’t until the 1970s that all the fitness trends of jogging, yoga, gyms, and bicycling took off. Before that, it was just a niche hobby.

Since the 1960s, all the following have emerged: jogging, bicycle riding, triathalons, aerobics classes, gyms, and yoga. Today, it’s almost mandatory for people to participate in the fitness industry, you’re a complete outsider if you don’t buy into this. Gyms should still be optional; the problem is more long hours sitting at a desk, the answer shouldn’t be these fitness clubs and big muscles. The whole thing is a joke, humanity never cared about this stuff before.

We should get rid of the fitness industry & replace it with day-to-day wellness and health through our jobs and what we eat.