From the early 2000s the phrase, “fiscally conservative and socially liberal” became something popular with right-wing libertarians, based on propaganda coming out at the time, both from the fallout of 9/11 and the Catholic Church abuse scandals. Legalized pot was also a popular topic at the time, and now that we have pot shops everywhere, people are less impressed with the idea. All of this has long fallen out of favor, especially seeing what’s happened with the internet since around 2015. This was all based on the popularity of Gary Johnson, Christopher Hitchens, Ron Paul, and Ayn Rand books.
These people only exist to oppose “big government” and they talk about vague notions of “personal responsibility” and “freedoms” which aren’t saying anything about how you should live. Should we all hustle and make money? Grow pot? Have guns? They don’t care what you do, so long as you don’t have “big government” in charge. This is idiotic, and it’s no direction for how people should live. Just saying, “do whatever you want” isn’t direction at all. A free-for-all concept is stupid and not worth discussion, there will be too much fragmentation, as there will be no structure to organize what we’re doing.
I’m not a fan of the huge government, but the concept of doing whatever you want is idiotic, and these things would be idiotic whether or not the government existed. The whole thing is gross, and any future group should ignore these idiots, but I think they’ll disappear on their own since the ideas are so terrible.