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Writing and Audio-Visual: Tools of Control by Elites & Warlords

This is an overview of a secondary method of control of elites & warlords: the concept of writing & audio/visual capture. Writing is typically the first thing imposed on a conquered people, which audio/visual capture being a modern creation to deepen control over a globalized world.

Both audio/visual capture & writing were designed to control the masses, not to liberate everyone. People are deceived if they think these things are good now that everyone has a cell phone, that someone this is “democratic” and gives a voice to everyone. This is a lie.

If the world didn’t have writing & photography, we’d immediately be liberated from the “rule of law” which would make the entire system crumble. People are easily controlled, because the elites know how to manipulate human emotion. People want to be at the center of attention, they want their opinions heard, and if you give a person power & influence, they will take it.

What’s the best thing a person can do to liberate themselves from this? Refuse recordings of text, audio, and visuals, and instead live in the moment by thinking or talking. People should be talking to others around them daily for their ideas. If everyone did this, my own writing would be obsolete, as people would be doing this.

The dominant culture is obsessed with audio/visual capture of everything: Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, and Soundcloud exist for everyone to upload all the audio/visual they want. This has been a huge distraction for the masses of idiots, with everyone able to upload anything they want 24/7 for the whole world to see. Nearly everyone wants to capture & upload everything. This method was really only accessible for everyone in the 20th century with Kodak cameras, then digital cameras & cell phones. By the early 2000s, everyone in the industrial world had access for free to this stuff.

The previous dominant culture was obsessed with expressing thoughts in written form. This has continued, through texting, apps, and websites, so it’s not disappeared.

How Elites & Warlords Operate

Talking and thinking cannot be controlled by elites & warlords. They need to have you hooked into their system of writing and audio/visual capture to be able to have power over your mind. When a people is totally disconnected by being both an oral culture only & non-industrial, they are free from control of globalized warlords. This isn’t some ultimate protection against warlords, for that, people need to avoid getting manipulated by certain personalities who seek power over others. Warlords & elites have a certain personality that seeks to gain power over others, so that they can control the environment, both physically & mentally. It’s not enough to subjugate a people, they want to control reality itself, including the thoughts of people under them.

Warlords have to go in and physically take land from people. Writing is one of the