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Imperial Rewards & Absorbing Everything

Our society does not value the most wise, inspired, or intuitive people. Instead, we reward people who do the most work for the empire. So, if you’re a hardworking inventor or manager, you are given cash, and that cash is then used for whatever you want. If you collect billions, you can influence and lead the world as a reward from the empire for your services. Even if what you’re doing is causing long-term harm in some way, that doesn’t matter, it’s your work within the empire that matters.

If you don’t help the empire to grow, then you’re worthless. There are parts everyone can play, so anything can be considered as part of empire, even growing your own vegetables, or committing crimes. Vegetable gardening can help reduce stress & teach people the value of work. Committing crimes is good because this helps the prison system. The entire 1960s revolutionary movement was great for the economy with organic foods, new interesting music, and lifestyle clothing brands. Things like lululemon wouldn’t have existed if not for the hippies and radicals. People like Elon Musk can thank all the environmentalists for helping to promote green living.

The empire is very good at absorbing everything. It’s expensive to destroy critics, so it’s much better if you can bring them into empire. The empire will even work to commercialize anti-imperialism as a brand, so you get things like Che t-shirts or critics of empire who become wealthy brands.

The worst thing would be if people lost hope in the narrative of empire and stopped believing in it, so too apathetic to work, entertain themselves, or do anything. Becoming too apathetic is a risk to empire, sitting around doing nothing won’t be tolerated. They want you to do something.

What we are living in seems like an unstoppable machine, that even if you try to stop it, you’re just adding to the machine. Even if you kill yourself or become a revolutionary, the empire will make you a hero or subject of a documentary on Netflix. You can’t do anything to change the system, even being lazy can be commodified and worked on, they’ll just hand you video games. The only thing that is successful is to do nothing, don’t play the game by doing something.