Don’t think that because someone went to a university, they’re wise. Universities primarily exist to create practical technologies that can be used by the military & corporations. They need to create products that can be sold. The people who leave college are joining corporations & the military, and wisdom is never really part of what they’re doing. It’s pure job skills, but for jobs that require a lot of independent thinking & higher skills that manual labor.
Today all the large universities are simply the research & training grounds for corporations and military. If not for this, universities would be much smaller & have far less funding. Their higher or noble goals are long gone. This is the kind of thing they do:
Most university students are simply getting job training & doing high level practical research. Theoretical math or physics isn’t taught, unless it can be used for practical purposes. If you’re looking for wisdom, a university likely isn’t it.
I went to university myself for an engineering degree, but it was for practical purposes of getting a job in industry. One professor I had lamented that we were taking liberal arts classes, he thought we needed much more technical training. An older uncle of mine said these days kids don’t take enough technical courses in school, that we graduate with too few hours.