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Overview of Elites & Warlords

Today, the entire planet is captured, so you can’t opt out of this system of power & control. However, it’s still worth explaining the foundation of the system.

When people have overlapping territory, there are different options. Elites & warlords don’t simply rely on genocide & slavery, but get people to become like them. It takes someone with good intuition & inspiration (a wise person) to see when something is good vs bad. This is why people have had wise people to consult, they’ve accepted that this

Options for warlords to conquer a people:

  1. Kill the hardliners (army)
  2. Introduce an alphabet (philosophers)
  3. Introduce the Rule of Law (lawyers & politicians)

The amount of power & control can be shared, in order to keep people subjugated. So you could have a system where you have one person who has all power & benefits, and everyone else is a slave. This is way too dangerous, as it’s open to slave rebellions. So you might hand out power to the military, who can then protect you in exchange for favors. But this too is difficult, as there are outsiders who can challenge the army. The best system requires giving everyone power, with everyone getting to be a little warlord themselves. In our system based on the rule of law & constitutional democracies, your amount of power is largely based on money, although older systems of domination still exist.

Everyone today is distracted by this arguing over who gets power. Instead, people should be rejecting this entire system of power. Everyone is arguing over which slice of the pie to get, when the pie itself is the bad things.

The elites at the top of our system have more control than ever. One way to keep this going is to allow new people to enter the elite ring of power, if they’re willing to adopt their methods & ways of thinking. These are converts to the system. Recent converts have including the tech billionaires who came from lower orders of power. There will always be an inequality in our system. Even if we had some kind of universal industrial communism, ownership of property & industrial use of resources is subjugation over other people who didn’t volunteer for this system. Nobody can opt out or walk away from this, whereas in the past, people could migrate somewhere else & live independently of other human control.

This is the system we have today, where it’s everyone vs everyone for controlling something else. The power distribution is always going to be unequal, since

The concept of religion is something new, and is a later form of propaganda. What elites & warlords care about is obedience. It’s expensive & difficult to use an army to kill hardliners, so elites want to move on to something cheaper as soon as they can. People who aren’t willing to accept any propaganda must be killed, simple as that. The people left over are the weak ones, people unable or unwilling to die to stop the invasion. With these people, you can manipulate them through all types of propaganda. They start first by introducing an alphabet, so they can bring in the “rule of law.” Other forms of propaganda can be introduced.