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Wise, Inspired, and Intuitive People

My experience has been that there are some people who are different from birth. They seem to have wisdom, intuition, and inspiration beyond the normal bulk of humanity. Some observations:

Our system now has many ways of manipulating people:

Problem with this System

This system is easily taken over and infiltrated by con artists, false prophets, warlords, elites, and all kinds of people who want to control you. Some thoughts & examples:

What To Do

Live in the present. Dead inspired people are of no help today, inspiration and wise people need to be living and in charge now. Ignore history books or stories of wise people; they are dead, the circumstances today are new, so they can’t lead anyone. What matters is living people, not the dead.

Recognize and look for wise, inspired, and intuitive people. Anyone (without any limitation whatsoever) of any age can be inspired and intuitive and it’s good to recognize them from the youngest age and ideally help them to develop in an environment that’s good for them. This concept was popularized with Star Wars, where “force sensitive” people were known as children, but they needed training. Of course Star Wars is just entertainment, but it’s popular and people know what I’m talking about. People have always recognized that sensitivity isn’t enough, but age matters as well. Somewhere around age 40 seems to be the right spot for an intuitive leader having power.

How can you tell if some is worth listening to? Simple: